Welcome December 2018

Yeah finally we reach December 2018, this is the last month in a year! hmm so many things that I want to tell about 2018 

- keuangan gue cukup stabil di 2018. karena akhirnya gue bisa beli HP pake uang gue sendiri (HP nya belom dateng! JDID ppalli juseyooo)
- love story gue yang masih belom stabil, udah 24 nih kayanya gue harus banyak ambil langkah/ do more effort untuk melanjutkan hidup ke pernikahan. agustus 2018 kemarin seseorang yang gue kagumi selama 8 tahun malah nikah duluan sama orang lain.
- makin addict sama kim jong min, and now i totally jealous when I open youtube cause so many video about taste of dating (variety show)
-christian bautista nikah (so sad! I really big fan of him cause he has wonderful voice and eyes lol) gue tuh seneng banget karena dia ga pernah diberitain punya pacar. dan dia setau gue hati2 dalam punya pasangan karena dia gamau nyakitin pasangannya. manly banget kan)

terus 3 orang yang gue sayang nikah sama orang lain :(

okay I have to check about my target I made begin of 2018
- I get a job with good salary (mmm well okey I got it but a good salary maybe still under my expectation but Alhamdulillah its enough for my dailycost. and I think I have to keener to search a new job cause I have to saving money in investation like house, land, gold, etc)
- Buy new smartphone (done! I'm waiting for my new phone from JDID)
- Change my hair color (I already bought the hair coloring but I dont have a brave for coloring my hair! lol, actually I/m afraid my mom will be angry with me)
- Go to Salon 1 a month ( not yet at all, at least one but I'm tooooo lazy to go out for treatment)
- Diet (Not yet at all! lol, I gain my weight maybe cause too much carbohidrat I ate. but nowadays I went to swimming pool and jogging but it was seldom
- Face treatment ( not everyday but I still often using makeup without clear it before sleeping)
- buy hair dryer remmington (maybe I have to delete this target lol, I will buy when I need it. cause it's too expensive)
- Go abroad south korea (I dont have annual leave this year, maybe next year or 2020 omg sad! cause it needs much money to get comfortable vacation in korea. please I'm coming korea wait for me!)
- more religious (..... I more brutal, but I tried, and I will try again)

Oke, should I make a target again for next year? of course and I will make it in the end of 2018. Welcome December my favourite month ever! anyway so much miss Bandung in december vibes! cool air, wet and peaceful.


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