good bye 2018

hello 2018, thanks for every lesson you gave me. Thank God for saving my finance life in 2018. actually I dont get much money but it's more than enough for this year. but I wish in 2019 not talk about money again. but my new resolution is build my love and passion. yes in 2019 my age is not young anymore, I get older and I want to take a new step in my life. if you know what i mean. hehe

oke I realized in 2018 is Life is not all about money, money can make happy outside but not inside. Should I have to write new resolution in 2019? I know so many my friends in same age with me think the same. how important resolution is it. cause we are on the same boat to do life. we're newbie in real world, millenial, so many things to do but dont know how the first to reach it, so many dreams, wanna go to over the world to see good place and to know people out of circle , to do new experience, excited and curious in everything, have an eager to better than older people. etc

in 2019 I wish I get a job with good and smart people in my circle and get much learning, good salary, job with my passion, and find someone who loved me and my family. as simple as that right? 2018 I was so grateful bout financial life but all of this is so bored. I do the same thing everyday. morning and sleep routines. I know so many people same like that but my activity really didnt change in 10 months. but I grateful even I got this cause my dad introducing me this company. so I wish I get new job bymyself and with PASSION

what else? I want to improve my english skill especially for grammar, LOL. I realize about my english skill is soooo bad cause I dont get a good score TOEFL and I didnt pass exam for english twice. so stupid. I'm using english "seenak2 gue yang penting ngerti" style not american or british. I get a bad score for listening that I confuse cause I think I understand if in real life people talk with me in english. and bad score for grammar. and I always use english subtitile in every drama or korean movie. I understand 100% and never feeling uneasy. but I remember one thing, someone ever said to me "people who can speak fluently is not mean they have high score in TOEFL, and people have a good score TOEFL is not mean they can speak english fluently but if both of those are good is perfect"

okay, I think I have to learn TOEFL again.... previously, I took a course in TBI and seat in regular class I feel "wow so easy" and I get 95 score in last exam. but in TOEFL I dont get a good score. I gained confident after course and talk to my teacher "what if I take a TOEFL now? do you think I will get score more than 530?"

He said "hmm I'm not sure, you're good for pronounciation but not for grammar, you sometimes forget to where the situation to use "to-be" I give you suggestion to continue your course again or take TOEFL course. but I suggest you to continue your course again cause in reguler class you can learn everything and you can buy a TOEFL book and discuss to me in class in something you dont understand" I asked again "So in your prediction how many score I can get? 450-500?" He answer "it's possible"

at the time I just think "really? Its in range in term to graduate college but am I too confident or the teacher wants me to take his class again? wkwk but course in TBI is a bit expensive" but lastly I decide to take TOEFL and taraaa he is right I got score below it :( LOL. and now I regret I dont take any course in my last year college.


  1. hi , don't miss campus and Bandung. what is yellow rice Sarah? if you answer me, i will give you chicken porridge


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